Sunday, June 8, 2008

Dr. Fish

I went out today to Itewon, which is a partial foreigner heaven. There's an all English bookstore called What The Book?, at which I purchased two used books (by Isaac Asimov and Ayn Rand), and a new book by Terry Pratchett. I was a little dissapointed that they didn't have any used books by Pratchett, but was rather excited when I found the two entire shelves of Discworld books in the new section. (they offer free shipping in Korea. and gift cards.) We wandered around for a while in downtown, and had lunch out on the patio of Gecko (a restaurant like Fridays, only it has an international fare instead of just Korean) while it poured rain. We found out that DMC, of Run DMC, is performing in Itewon on the 18th at the Hard Rock there. So we're probably going to take a cab from work in a week and a half and come see DMC perform. We stopped at a few of the sidewalk vendors, where I bought a hat. I figure it's not winter yet, so it was cheap now, and I didn't bring a hat with me, so it's a good investment for when it's 15 degrees below. And I like black kitties.

Then we went back to downtown Uijeongbu, where I experienced Dr. Fish. Cherita and I have decided that we will open a spa/green restaurant/dr. fish emporium in the states when we leave and become millionaires, so please do not steal this idea. That being said, it was a very interesting experience. You get unlimited coffee and bread, and wait for your number to be called. Whe your number shows up, you leave your coffee on the table (and bring your personal effects with you), take off your shoes, and rinse off your feet in a shower, which costs $1. 

Then one of the employees sets a timer for 20 minutes, and then you put your feet into a tank full of fish. they swarm around your feet, and it tickles like crazy at first. It took me about 6 minutes to stop laughing.

Once you get used to it, it's still very interesting to watch, and hard to talk about anything else. If anyone gets the chance to try it, I highly reccomend it.

1 comment:

celeste said...

I've heard of that fish thing before! It seemed kinda creepy to me, haha.

That hat is so adorable =)