Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm an alien

I am now, officially, an alien. I have a green card. And as you can see, it's really green! I had to take another picture when I sent in my registration for it, and they wouldn't let me smile with my mouth open. I'm not really sure why. But, there it is.

Yesterday I went and saw Kung-Fu Panda with Cherita. It was a very familiar story line, but with a few different twists. I enjoyed it, and definately laughed out loud a few times. Afterwards, since we were already in downtown Uijeongbu, we tried to find Tom's Vill, a bar where one of Cherita's friends works. We found it, after wandering for about half an hour. It was packed full of army guys, who were very amusing to watch while they danced to american hip-hop/rap music, and then stopped dancing when the MPs came in to do head counts. Apparently military has a curfew of 12:45, and the Military Personnel make the rounds starting around 11:45 or so to see who's in the bars, and make sure everyone's out when it's getting close to curfew. James and a few of his friends joined us, and we went to a few different bars around downtown, including one that was on the 15th floor and had a great view of downtown at night. I was invited to a scavenger hunt today, that I'll be leaving for in a little bit. I'm not sure what kind of scavenger hunt it is, but hopefully it should be fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your picture is SO CUTE!

So, what is up with the Korean anti-smile agenda??