Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's the little things I love

It's fall here now, and I'm loving it. Growing up and living in Florida all my life I rarely got to see the different seasons, and when I did, it was brief glances, usually a week at a time during a vacation to our mountain home. Here I get to watch the leaves change bit by bit. I wish I'd brought my camera with me to work this morning - there's a line of trees that are beginning to change near the river that have orange, red, green, yellow, and even a burgundy color to them. It's a bit cold at night, but I have an underfloor heater, so my feet don't get cold when they touch the non-carpeted floor in the mornings. It was 15 degrees C this morning (59 F), so though I've taken my lighter jacket to work for the past week, I didn't need my gloves, scarf, or hat. Yet.

Yesterday was my first open class. The parents are invited to sit in the classroom during one of our lessons - of course its the foreign teachers they want to see and not the Korean teachers. Cherry class was first in the rotation, so I was the first to be 'observed'. The parents normally watch one of the morning classes, but one of my student's mother is a pharmacist, and couldn't leave work until the afternoon, so my last class of the day was observed. This of course just served to increase my nervous level throughout the day, and we spent the first two classes just reviewing the songs and vocabulary that we'd learned. Thankfully, my co-teacher had thought to tell the class that when mommy came to visit, they had to pretend that they couldn't see mommy. This worked very well, and at the beginning of class, I had everyone say "Hi, mommy" and wave, and then reminded them that they can't see mommy. Of course Lewis said "But Breanna Teacher, mommy can see me!" The rest of the class went well, the kids behaved very well for the most part (they are 4 years old, after all), since I actually did very little different from what I normally do. And though I had to ask Julie teacher what the parent's reactions were as she didn't offer the information, she said they were all very pleased. So now I just have one more class with Lemon to look forward to.

1 comment:

persistentillusion said...

Wow, that would be nervewracking! I'm glad it went well.