Sunday, October 18, 2009

63 Building

I've been wanting to go to the 63 Building for over a year. It's one of the tallest buildings in Korea, and when it was built in the 80's was the tallest building in Asia. My friend Joey was running an Aquathon (it was supposed to be a triathalon, but they removed the bike portion at the last minute) on Yeouido, which is the same stop on the subway as the 63 Building. So after watching him cross the finish line, I headed up to the building.

Joey's number 106 on the right

The building is not as impressive up close as it is from across the river. In fact, it's almost unremarkable from the side, and if I didn't know where I was, I would have thought it was just another skyscraper.

The entrance fee was 12,000won. I thought it was a bit steep, but it was a relatively clear day for Seoul, and I didn't know when I was going to be on that end of town again, so why not?

They say that the 63rd floor (the 60th above ground), is actually an art gallery, and the highest one in the world. It is an art gallery, if you want to get specific, but it's obvious the real art is the scenery out the windows.

Yeah, it's an art gallery. Mmhmm.

Some of the art was interesting, like the video silk screen.

Some of the kids were well-behaved...

I bet you'd see more if you turned it around...

I only have this because there were other foreigners there. I hate trying to figure out how to ask people to take my picture in Korean.

1 comment:

persistentillusion said...

Ok, I am so IN LOVE with the virtual silk screens! Not so much with the mega high building though. (I have this thing with heights.) I mean, I go up them, I just don't stand next to the windows.


At least you look fabulous!