Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Photography Contest

I like taking pictures, as you may have noticed. Some people have even told me that certain photos of mine should be entered in a contest . I hadn't really heard about one until today. So, I've entered several of my photos (i.e. my top five or so twelve from the past year) into a photo contest called Korea 100 Sparkles. Take a look, and if you can find one of mine and you like it, vote for it please!
P.S. If you feel like sharing the link and asking others to vote as well, feel free!
P.P.S. I realized there's a search bar near the top - you can type in my name and it will bring up my 12 entries...
P.P.P.S. You can vote every day...


persistentillusion said...


persistentillusion said...

Ok, I didn't run the search for you, I just selected the pictures I thought were the best/prettiest and it was almost always you every time!

Just a heads up, you only get 5 votes.