Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Um. Wow.

So I told my kids this morning that they were going to have a test in math. Invariably, Lawrence will always say that something is easy. In this case he yelled it out. I try to tell my kids it's not nice to say something is really easy, because what's easy for some people may be hard for others. Anyway, my response was something along the lines of "But Lawrence, you don't know what's going to be on the test! What if it's something really hard, like 567 times 432?"

And his response was "That's easy! Can you write it on the board?"

So I did.

And he promptly, and correctly, solved it.

And I was floored. I went to ask his math teacher, with whom he does an individualized computer math program every week. This seven-year old boy is on a fourth grade math level, and can do 5-digit multiplication, as well as being the best math student in the school. If only I had known! I would have had him finish his math book a long time ago and given him something much more stimulating than double digit addition to be practicing!! This is why assessments are a good thing...


persistentillusion said...

He must have been SO BORED in class!

Unknown said...

You may have a Jim Dudziak on your hands, ask your dad.
Also, send his CV to Google, they're hiring. Although I think he has to be at least 10.