Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I need a personal assistant

I've been struggling to keep up with my blogging recently, and it's been both an internal and external struggle. I've had a lot on my plate the last few months, and trying to find the time and energy to sit down and invest a few hours in 1) finishing my winter trip blog, 2) upload and organize my pictures from all the other things I've been doing so I could blog about them later, and 3) not run out of disk space in the process, has been rather difficult. But. I finally finished my winter trip. I only have about three other events I need to post and then I'll be all caught up. What is all this other stuff I've been doing, you might ask? Well,

I've started another photo project which you may have heard of, called the 365 project. You're basically supposed to take one photo per day and then upload it to this site, which organizes it rather nicely for you. I take photos all the time anyways, and I thought this would be a nice way to not only organize my photos, but improve my photography and force me to try and look around me for what I saw when I first came to Korea that I now take for granted.

My three closest friends all left at the end of February/beginning of March. Which meant I was spending as much time with them as I could before they left, and doing leaving parties and events with them.

Saint Patrick's Day passed with little fanfare, barring a green shirt worn to work and a can of Guinness consumed that evening while preparing for the upcoming weekend, which consisted of a trip down to the south of the country to see a Bull Fighting Festival (separate post on all these events to come soon).

I've started a weekly tradition with Amy during which we meet at a truck that parks near my school at night. We order a freshly made pizza from the truck, and then go back to mine to watch a movie.

This weekend was a booze cruise, where for a small fee I got to board a boat on the Han River and drink all the decent draft beer (Alley Kat brew, not Hite or Cass) I wanted and help a friend celebrate her birthday.

This weekend I'm going to attend International Pillow Fight Day at City Hall, so I've been trying to convince my friends from everywhere to join me.

Every Saturday morning I have Korean language classes, and starting this Friday I'll have an extra three classes during the week. I've also gotten a bike from my friend who's left, so now I have an excuse/reason to exercise and get out a bit more, especially now that the weather's changing for the better.

And between all this, I've been looking for flights to Europe in August, planning a trip to Kyoto in May, and trying to figure out if I want to stay with my current job or look for another one, and making plans for both eventualities (looking for other open positions if I go, and negotiating days off/other perks if I stay). Not to mention, of course, the day-to-day niceties of teaching small children.

1 comment:

persistentillusion said...

I am SO going to Raleigh's pillow fight!