Friday, July 11, 2008

More Adventures in Korea

Adventure Korea is now one of my more visited websites. (Click on the name to visit their site). I just signed up for two more adventures (I'm going with them to the Mud Festival tomorrow).

I have one of my weeks of vacation coming up (the other one is at Christmas, and I'm wrestling with going home or staying here) at the end of the month. So the first adventure I'm going on is the Summer Special Trip at the beginning of my week off, July 26th-27th. We're going to Doripo Beach on the western coast. A chartered bus, 2 meals, accomodations, and experience fees are all included for two days for less than 100,000 won (about $100).

We're going to travel to a small islet by boat and will do net fishing (in a traditional Korean way), clam digging, octopus picking, and swimming. And we get to eat the seafood that we catch right away. Pretty cool, huh? We'll also visit the Muan White Lotus Festival, where we'll take a boat ride along the lotus flowers road, make onion-kimchi (yuck!), and taste various foods made with lotus like lotus ice cream, lotus tea, lotus sandwiches, lotus-wrapped rice and lotus beer as well. (Should be very interesting...)

The second trip I'm taking is to the DMZ on Saturday, August 23rd. It's a day trip to Imjingak, which is as far as civilians can go to the North by themselves without permission, the 3rd tunnel, the Dora Observatory, and Tongilchon, one of two villages inside the DMZ.

And of course I'll be posting pictures from both of these. I can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually think the mud festival looks AWESOME.

"This will be a various marine-type extreme training courses on silt like silt basic training, games, cavalry battles and human pyramid."

HECK YEAH! And then there is 'mud sliding' which looks pretty promising too.