Friday, August 22, 2008

It's ok.

(Lewis and Irene)

In the switch between classes in the morning the kids are briefly left "unsupervised". I say that in quotes because all the classrooms have cameras in them, and the monitors can be seen from the front desk and the main hallway. So I left Cherry class (the babies - they're about 4yrs old) very briefly this morning to go get their clocks that I had left at my desk. When I came back in, Amy was crying, and kept saying "Lewis say 'It's ok'" over and over. Of course, my first question was "What happened?". She then proceeded to show me with her hand 'push'. So I asked "Did Lewis push you?" (he's been known to do worse). Her reply? "No. I push Lewis and he say 'It's ok'". So of course I asked her why she pushed Lewis. She started crying even harder and said "I don know". I had to work really hard to hold back a smile and looked over at Lewis, who seemed more concerned that Amy was crying than anything else. I asked him if he was ok. He said "Yes. Amy, it's ok, it's ok." I don't know what made her get so upset, but she calmed down after a big hug and a few minutes.

I love my kids.

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