Sunday, August 31, 2008

Neon crosses and hungry kittens

I had a very small and very hungry kitten follow me home yesterday (meaning I was out for a walk and it was yowling so pitifully and so constantly that I decided to take it home).

I love animals, and miss my babies that I left in the states (who, I've been recently informed, are both doing well), but I don't want the responsibility, and mess, and expense, and cat hair, that comes along with a kitten. So I gave it a warm bath and some food, and let it stay the night in my apartment, curled up in the crook of my arm. But I had to move this morning to a new apartment, so on my way out to get coffee this morning I let it back out on the street. I would have like to have given it to a good home, or at the very least to a vet, but I didn't want my boss to think I'd had it in my apartment this whole time, so hopefully it found someone else to take care of it. 

The move itself was rather painless. The new apartment is nicer than my last one, with a better layout though a bit smaller. It has an actual window with a decent view from the back porch. It took less than an hour to pack all my things in a truck and move them into the new place, and another hour to unpack and put everything away.

Another bonus - there's a church right next to my building. There was one at the other apartment too, but at the new place I was finally able to get a decent picture of something that I find odd no mater how many times I see it. Churches here are often not in their own buildings, but in complexes along with restaurants and other businesses. To denote their presence, they often place neon crosses on top of the buildings, and at night you can usually see several of these crosses in any direction. This is not the odd part, but rather the color that most churches choose for their neon cross: red.

Some of them are white, but most are red. I tend to find this a rather sinister color to choose to bring people flocking to the house of God. But maybe that's just me. 

1 comment:

persistentillusion said...

Kitten!!! You are a stronger woman than I, I just can't say no to kittens.