Monday, November 10, 2008

Quantum what now?

I went to go see Quantum of Solace with James tonight - there's a movie theatre near the station that plays the bigger American movies with Korean subtitles. I have to say I was a bit disappointed with it, I thought Casino Royale was much better. I'm not going to spend much time critiquing the movie, but I say wait until it comes to video.

My morning today was actually great. I was told when I came in that all but one of my lemon students would be absent today - they all went for interviews at elementary schools to see if they could get in. Originally Julie decided to put my one student, Daisy, into Orange class instead of having me teaching one student by myself (since I wouldn't be able to do the planned lesson for the day). I still had to go to cherry class, but this meant that I had two half hour breaks this morning, and I usually don't get any. And even though 3 of my kids came in right before lunch, I still only had one class with them, and I mostly just had them talk about what they did this weekend and what they did this morning (I was trying to find out about the interview process, but the kids seemed rather uninformed about the process, and were telling me about the cartoons they had watched at the school). It would have been nicer if Julie had told me ahead of time so when I was making my plans for the week I wouldn't have had 3 lessons planed out, with follow up lessons and spelling tests on Wednesday that were based on the lesson from today. But that would have required pre-planning and thinking ahead, something that doesn't seem to be quite common here. So anyways, I got some work done this morning and finished filming my afternoon classes' gong-gi instructions. I have to edit the video I took, but when I'm done I should have a nice 3 minute video of my kids explaining how to play the Korean version of Jacks (it's actually much harder than jacks, but that's the closest thing America has to it). Once they got over being camera shy, they actually seemed to have fun playing a game and talking about it in English. To bad we have to go back to the books on Wednesday.

James and Cherita have less than a month before they leave. I'm really going to miss hanging out with James, but I'm also looking forward to meeting the two new teachers (one of whom is the teacher I replaced when I got here). Such is life as an ex-pat teacher in another country I suppose.

1 comment:

persistentillusion said...

I haven't been interested in James Bond in AGES. I think it was the one where he was driving a hovercar or something. That was the point at which I thought, "riiiiiiiight".