Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hair today, gone tomorrow

I tend to get bored with my hair rather quickly. I got in the habit of cutting my own hair in the states, but when it's curly you can make small mistakes and no one will ever know. So since I decided to straighten my hair, I've been going to a shop to have someone cut it for me. The lady who owns it is the only one that works there, and she doesn't speak a word of English. But she's nice, and she knows what she's doing, I trust her, and cuts, styles and coloring is cheap. Anyways, I decided I wanted something completely different, as the one she'd given me before was a bit...well...Asian. So, I printed a few pictures and brought them in to her, and left with something a bit funky and a bit more... me.

I like it, and my friends seem to like it too (which is always a good thing). I went out with some old and some new friends on Saturday night for dinner and an open-mike. It was Ben's first time eating galbi - a common Korean meal where you put meat on an open grill at the table.

Ben and Hong with their Hite aprons.

Laura playing music on the Coke and Cass bottles

Dayna and Ill-Quon with their jiggae and galbi

After dinner, Ben went home, and the rest of us went out to an open-mike, where Christian was supposed to play his guitar and sing, but through a misunderstanding was taken off the bill. I did get to see everything from spoken words to belly-dancing to techno music.

Dayna and I at the open-mike. She lives in Seoul now, so I won't get to see her as often.

Today I slept in all day because I got home so late from Saturday (the subway stops running at midnight, and doesn't start again until 5:30am), and woke up just in time to go to my weekly Korean lesson. I've only had 3 so far, but I'm slowly getting better, and I know a bit more basic vocabulary. Like, they don't have names for months, it's just 1st month, 2nd month, etc (which makes it easier to remember.) Afterward I went to a coffee shop to grab some coffee before going home, since I wanted to stay awake long enough to study. Apparently I go to the shop more often than I thought (it's right across the street from work and a 10 minute walk from my house), either that or not many foreigners come there. Either way the girls at the shop recognized me, and the fact that I'd gotten a hair cut. Their verdict was "New! Oh, good job!"

So that was my not-very-exciting weekend, but then again most of my weekends aren't nearly as exciting as skiing, going to Japan, or meditating with monks.