Thursday, July 24, 2008

Meegugin vs Weegugin vs Hangugin (미국인 vs 외국인 vs한국인)

I had been told by the other English teachers that I work with that they often get children who call them Meegugin (미국인) or Weegugin (외국인) (also pronounced meegukin or weegukin, depending on your pronunciation). A meeguk is a person from America, and a weeguk is a foreigner. Conversely, a hangukin (한국인) is a Korean person. Apparently this isn't just like children pointing out that someone has on a funny hat or looks different. It's actually rude to call someone either of these names, though we often call ourselves 미국 to differentiate us from Canadians, etc. The main reason it's rude, is that the children think we don't know what they're saying. It's akin to calling someone a name in a foreign language right in front of them, just because you think they won't understand you. I hadn't actually encountered this until today.

I was in the elevator on my way back up to work, and there were two children in the car with me. Just before it got to my floor, I heard the word weegugin come from the one closest to me. I turned to look at him, and they were both looking at me and giggling. So as I got off the elevator, I patted the one who spoke on the head, and said "Hangukin", and then walked out. I didn't see their faces, but they both stopped giggling. 

(and yes, I can read a little bit of Korean now! 아싸 !)


Anonymous said...

Good for you for laying down the smackage!

Unknown said...

So now the parents of little Tyler and Ashley come to the school and raise a big stink about how you talk to their kids, and how it affects their self esteem and development. The administration suspends you and sends you to sensitivity training.
Oh wait, that's in the US. Never mind.............


Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot. You patted the little boy on his head. That's battery, no touching the children. You're fired!!!!!!

PS--watch out for little Megan, I think she's packing.

dreemwhrld said...

I do love the fact that not only am I allowed to touch the kids (hugs and such), but I saw my boss smack a kid upside the head on my first day for not doing his homework.