Monday, August 4, 2008

Bouncin' around the south and back

I just got back from an AMAZING week long vacation. I spent the last9 days with James and went from the south east to the south west of Korea. We packed quite a lot into each day, and I took over 600 pictures, so it's going to take a while to put it all up here. It'll probably take me a week or so to put everything up, so please be patient. :)

Some of the highlights include eating live octupus - head and all - in Muan, climbing a mountain on an island above a buddhist hermitage and getting a 360 view of the coastline at Dilsando, walking through a tea plantation in Boseng, and catching a breakdancing competition at the base of Busan tower. 


Unknown said...

"Fish heads, fish heads. Roly-poly fish heads. Fish heads, fish heads. Eat them up, Yum" --Barnes & Barnes

I hope it was a little, one bite octopus, not something that wrapped around your head and clung tightly as you tried to scarf it down.

What an image in my head, please post a picture!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds breathtaking!

dreemwhrld said...

I suppose you could say it was a one bite deal, though it took a good 4-5 minutes (I'm not exagerating) to chew it. The tentacles are ok, but the head is really chewy. And it's hard to not think about the fact that you just stuck a live creature in your mouth and your teeth are crushing it's brains and eyes and you're going to swallow them in a minute. The tentacles are actually a lot stickier when you cut them off first. I had one clinging to my lip after I had the whole one.